Coronavirus Update
In light of the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and the constantly changing circumstances affecting all of us, we want you to know that Granat Design is still committed to providing reliable graphic and web design services, and will be fully available to all our clients during this time of crisis. We are also committed to the safety and health of our clients, and we are taking every precaution to ensure this.
While our physical office is currently closed and meetings with clients cannot occur in-person, we are taking advantage of the technology available to us to assist you digitally through Facetime, Google Hangouts, and other applications. We have already been using Google Hangouts for over a year now in order to conduct online meetings when required, and are proficient with the technology involved.
We are monitoring our office’s main telephone line (561-799-4880) on a 24/7 basis. In fact, all our calls are instantly forwarded to our cell phones. Should you call us and leave a voicemail message, your message will be directly transmitted via e-mail and you will receive a timely response.
We at Granat Design deeply value our relationship with each and every one of our clients and are committed to being here when you need us most.
Thank You,
D. Matthew Granat